On more than one occasion, I said,
“Prove your love to me, I need to see it. Many have professed their love with words but were unable to show and prove in a way that I could understand. Don’t be like them. A disappointment from you is one my soul cannot bear.”
The response was always simple, I felt it,
“I can, have, and will continue to do that and more.”
Finally, I fell into your arms and since then everything has gone right. Since that moment I prayed to know you I have seen nothing but good in the world and in myself; even in rough times, I have been able to see through to the good
My mind is flooded with memories of the times you protected me, guided me, made me laugh, made my dreams come true, helped me understand, argued with me, coached me, told me the honest truth, and showed me my reflection
You have taught me the difference between seeking such things from you and seeking them from others
You have accepted me for who I am without restricting my freedom of thought and expression
With you I can be myself and have learned to never again be anything else for the sake of anyone else
On this journey together you have taught me to trust, the meaning of love, the feelings of true happiness, the recognition and acknowledgement of fear, and a higher respect for myself as well as for all emotions
You have been patient with me, you have brought humor in the face of adversity, you have been strong, you have been vulnerable, you have complained, and you have motivated
But most of all you have loved…
You have loved me
I have loved myself
And in turn I have loved you
I am,
You are,
We are, One
As I speak without so I speak within; just as I sought without and now seek within
You are a part of me, in fact, you are me, for I could not exist without you; not one of us could exist without you
You did this. I did this. We did this; together.
So, before I enter this cocoon you helped me create I say to you, with every drop of sincerity from my beating heart,
“Thank you”
Then I say to myself the same, with Love,
“Thank you”
*Music by Galimatias – Atlantis
Header image: Yellow Black Caterpillar on Grass Leave © Pixabay| Pexels.com
Images: Untitled © Irem Isiklar| Pexels.com Orange Butterfly on Purple Flower © Pixabay| Pexels.com